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Male reader of 11: Kyle Fitz-Bastos is not your average rave crazy 19 year old. Fitz Bastos has a mature yet modern taste in alternative rock music which has a significant impact on both his lifestyle and fashion sense. He spends a lot of his nights attending small gigs in London where he gets to interact with people with the same music taste as him. This is very important to Kyle as he feels strongly about the alternative rock genre due to it helping him stay postive in difficulat times ; and just generally improve his mood. He particularly enjoys visiting places like SoHo and brick lane as these areas reflect his style. He is not afraid of being different from his peers who listen to house music and rap and embraces his uniqueness. Kyle has a collection of vinyl records from artists such as the Beatles, Pink Floyd and the smiths which he displays on the walls of his bedroom. He also possesses a record player. He also has a small music room in his garage where he and his friends write their own music as they are aspiring musicians. His fashion sense is strongly influenced by famous rock singers as he usually wears ripped jeans, leather jackets, rings and t-shirts (Very similar to Matthew Healey from The 1975) .


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